Book Blogger Hop #14

It’s time for Book Blogger Hop wich is a meme hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week you answer a question, put your link in the linky list and read the others answer to the question. It’s a fun way to make new connections and find some new blogs to follow. This weeks question is right below:

September 6th – 12th: What got you started as a blogger? Everyone has a story/reason, what’s yours? (submitted by Judy)

Oh, I started blogging nine years ago because I’ve always loved to write. I wanted to write about stuff in school and about my friends and so on – like a diary. Since then I’ve had a lot of different blogs, from personal to cooking to travels and books. This blog I created in january 2012 because I wanted some place to write down my thoughts about the books I was reading.

What’s your story?

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